Small * Fits Knee Circum. 12 - 13.5 (measurement Taken Just Under The Knee Cap While Knee Is Slightly Bent) * Elastic Support For Prevention Treatment & Rehabilitation Of The Knee * Thermoskin Elastics Can Expand Contract And Stretch And Are Made Of A High-grade Durable Material That Permits A Full Range Of Movement And Are Comfortable To Wear During A Range Of Activities * Anatomically Designed The Elastic Support Will Comfortably Contour To The Shape Of Your Knee * It Provides Even Compression And Support To Weakened And Injured Knees * It Has Side Stabilizers To Provide Increased Medial And Laterial Support
We ship via Federal Express or USPS, Standard Rates apply
You must have a Return Authorization Form to return an item. Email our Returns Department at RETURNS@GOLDSTATIONMEDICAL.COM. We will ask for the invoice number, date of purchase, quantity, item numbers and reason for return. Based on this information, a Return Authorization form may be faxed and/or emailed to you (a restocking form may need to be signed and approved first). Note, all returns missing RA numbers will not be credited.
All merchandise returns are subject to a detailed inspection. Any merchandise unsuitable for resale will not be accepted (do not adhere labels to retail packaging). A minimum restocking fee of 25% will apply to all returns less than 30 days. Returns will not be accepted after 30 days. We will replace or repair defective items based on the manufacturer’s policy. All approved credits will be placed on your account for future use (checks will not be issued in place of credit).