Unisex Back Belt Size Lg/xlg * Conforms And Supports The Lower Back Promoting Muscle Relaxation And Proper Alignment Of The Back * Increases The Flexibility Of The Stomach And Back Muscles By Keeping Them Warm * Provides Intra-abdominal Support To Help Support The Spine Take Weight Off The Lower Back * Breathable Nylon Mesh Wrap With Adjustable Hook And Loop Front Closure Holds The Belt In Place * Lightweight; Sleek Stylish Low Profile (wear On Top Of Or Under Clothing) * Designed For Industrial And/or Personal Usage; Any Profession And Task Where Proper Posture And Good Body Mechanics Are Important * Ideal For Mild Low Back Pain Strains Or Sprains * Beneficial When Used In Conjunction With A Rehabilitation Program * All Materials Are Hypoallergenic
We ship via Federal Express or USPS, Standard Rates apply
You must have a Return Authorization Form to return an item. Email our Returns Department at RETURNS@GOLDSTATIONMEDICAL.COM. We will ask for the invoice number, date of purchase, quantity, item numbers and reason for return. Based on this information, a Return Authorization form may be faxed and/or emailed to you (a restocking form may need to be signed and approved first). Note, all returns missing RA numbers will not be credited.
All merchandise returns are subject to a detailed inspection. Any merchandise unsuitable for resale will not be accepted (do not adhere labels to retail packaging). A minimum restocking fee of 25% will apply to all returns less than 30 days. Returns will not be accepted after 30 days. We will replace or repair defective items based on the manufacturer’s policy. All approved credits will be placed on your account for future use (checks will not be issued in place of credit).